Specialists in Stained Glass
Specialists in the Restoration, Conservation and Design of Stained Glass, The GlassHouse employ traditional methods to ensure your glass is finished to the highest of standards. Offering a treble glazing service we can encapsulate your glass within a sealed unit, ensuring that it is protected for many more years to come.

Restoration & Conservation
As old windows were replaced with new we saw stained glass being removed and destroyed or replaced with replica copies that didn't live up to the beauty of the original.
Well those days are gone - we remove your original stained glass, fully restoring it to its original state, removing decades of dirt, damage and deterioration. Your glass can then be re-installed as single glazing or we can encapsulate your beautiful panels into a sealed treble glazed unit to allow your home to be warmer and your glass to be protected.

New Stained Glass
Whether you would like to recreate an original design or create a new bespoke piece - The GlassHouse will guide you through from conception of an idea to design and creation.
Derek Halliday will personally advise you on glass textures and colours ensuring that your idea becomes a reality.

Latest News - Coquet Park First School
We are very proud to announce that we will be working with the Staff, children and families of Coquet Park First School to create a very special stained glass window to be installed at the school.
We approached the school offering to create and donate a stained glass window in honour of the last year.
'We all need to be proud of how we got through the last year and how we have all had to adapt and change. And whats wonderful is that we are all here and working together and our children are the little heroes...so lets make something beautiful to celebrate this achievement and the beauty that can be found in the human spirit in difficult times'
We are looking forward to seeing all of the childrens drawings, ideas and colours and we will work hard to create something that will represent you and your loved ones.
We will be posting updates on our facebook page -
Angela, Derek and the team.